Kerekes István

World Champion and World Record holder artist photographer

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“Finding and recognizing a unique face, or situation, is less difficult than capturing it in a way that makes it look even more unique. This is the real secret of my art.”  The Epoch Times / New York – U.S.A / 2021

“Because I was born in Transylvania and my main topics are social photography and portrays, most of my photos I take there. So, if I would have to answer using the fancy word of “project”, my whole photographer life is a big project with the following title: Transylvania and Maramures”  – Kisalföld daily newspaper / Hungary / 2020

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mobil:  0036-209139239

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click here:  Libro 2 (

FIAP Best of the Best in the World 2023

– World Champion in Art Photography –

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with my photo Yelena I won 684 prizes in 62 countries / 6 continents

+++ World Record result +++

Kisalföld Napilap / 2020.10.04

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“Oscars of mobile photography”

iPPAwards 2021 – Grand Prize Winner & Photographer of the Year – New York / U.S.A.

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 – EFIAP/platinum – 2012 – first Hungarian – the youngest in the World

 – EFIAP/diamond3 – 2018 – the youngest in the World

 – Hungarian Gold Cross Order of Merit – 2018

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I was born in 1977 in Marosvásárhely.  From 2007 I live in Mosonmagyaróvár.

My pictures have been shown in more than 90 countries, on 6 continents, and I won over 5000 prizes and awards, in international and national photo contests

From 2012 I take part continuously in different international and national photo contests like jury member or like president of the jury

I am member of :

MAFOSZ –   and   naturArt –

My photo reports regularly appear in A Földgömb (The Globe) magazine, where I am regular author

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Yelena – magyar fotósé a világ legtöbbet díjazott fényképe – YouTube

2023.08.20 – M2 TV

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Kerekes István FIAP Best of the Best 2023 (

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2022 September

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Flesch Károly Cultural Center Mosonmagyaróvár / Hungary

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Hungarian Gold Cross Order of Merit – 2018

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Mosonmagyaróvár / Flesch Károly Kulturális központ 2024.09.14

Az Év Fotográfusa 2024 / A-MAFOSZ/d1

Szolnok / 2024.08.31

A fotográfia ünnepe (

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FIAP Best of the Best in the World 2023

– World Champion in Art Photography –

click here:

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China 2024

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with Liliana, Oscar and Radu – chief organizers of my personal exhibition

Personal Exhibition in Sibiu Mayor’s Office Exhibition Hall / Romania / 2023.09.27

Kerekes István (EFIAP/diamond) – Emotions » szeben

Unul dintre cei mai talenta?i tineri fotografi din lume expune la Sibiu – Strada Cet??ii (

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IPOSZ – Budapest 2023.09.14

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Click here / Kattints ide:

A négyezres csúcs és a hírességek csarnoka (

2023 június 15

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5th International Exhibition of Photography “Portugal 2023” – Portugal

Vigadó tér – Budapest / 2023 március

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Klikk ide:

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Klikk ide:


Klikk ide:

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with István Tóth / president of the Euro Foto Art Oradea

Personal Exhibition in Oradea Fortress / Romania / 2022.11.19

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Kossuth Rádió / Országjáró / Mosonmagyaróvár / 2022.09.24

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City Library / Paracin – Serbia / 2022. September 1.

City Museum / Paracin – Serbia / 2022. September 2.

Solo exhibition in the city Museum of Paracin – Serbia / 2022. September 2. 19.00

Natasa & Bojan Petrovic leaders of the ArtTeam

Bojan Petrovic – leader of the ArtTeam and Branislav Stojanovic – director of the city museum of Paracin

Vladimir Milicevic – major of Paracin city

International Photography Festival SARMATES / Personal exibition / Paracin 2022 – Serbia

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Judges “Smile World 2022” International Photography Award

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FotoNostrum Magazine / Barcelona / September 2022

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Csiszár Péter director of Flesch Center, dr. Nagy István minister of agriculture / 2022.05.27 – Mosonmagyaróvár

Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum 2022.04.26

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Award ceremony with Keleti Éva photographer and with Ókovács Szilveszter/General director of Hungarian State Opera

conversation with Eifert János

Magyarország 365 – Eiffel Art Studios – Budapest / 2021.12.08

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The Epoch Times – Epoch Inspired – Exclusive / New York / 23th October 2021

Click on the article:

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National Geographic Magazine / 2021 September

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with Imre Horváth – president of MAFOSZ, Peto Tibor – Ambassador of Hungary to Slovakia, Venyercsan Pál – director of the Hungarian Cultural Institution in Bratislava

2021.06.14 / Embassy of Hungary in Bratislava / Slovakia

2021.06.14 / Embassy of Hungary in Bratislava / Slovakia

2021.06.14 / Embassy of Hungary in Bratislava / Slovakia

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with Mr. Pótápi Árpád János – State Secretary for National Policy of the Prime Minister’s Office

2021.06.04 / Kossuth Lajos Square / Budapest

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Harmadszor a legjobb teljesítményt nyújtó megyékben dolgozó fotóriporter

Kisalföld Napilap 2021.04.19

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Flesch Art / Flesch Károly cultural Center / 2021.04.26

Flesch Art / Flesch Károly cultural Center / 2021.04.26

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Opening of permanent nature photo exhibition / Kisbodak / 2021.05.14

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Kisalföld – 2020.10.04

Kisalföld – link:

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with Korniss Péter / Capa Center / Budapest 2020.09.08

1st Prize / Social documentary photography

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Kisalföld Napilap 2020.01.29

Kisalföld – link:

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We are proud to announce that Atlas of Humanity is now exhibited in New York! This photographic journey around the beauty of the humankind came to life in 2015, inspired by the UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity to help preserve and promote cultural diversity worldwide. Now, thanks to the work of some of the most interesting photographers in the world, Atlas of Humanity was exhibited first at Photokina 2018 in Cologne and, after New York, the project will be held in China, Dubai, Tunis, Milan and Paris. Special thanks to InnovaArt and Fondazione Alex Dolce.

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Click here:

Click here:

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with dr. Nagy István minister of agriculture, Horváth Imre – president of MAFOSZ, and Vitéz Vilmos public educator / Cselley-Ház / Mosonmagyaróvár / Western Hungary / 2019 december 7

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Winner of photo contest – “Hungarian Photo of the Year – Hungarian Photographer of the Year 2019” / Balassi Intézet / Budapest / 2019 május 15

naturArt Fesztivál / Erzsébetligeti Színház / Budapest 2019 február


+ in 2018 August it was 5 artist photographers who hold the EFIAP/d3 in the World +

with Horváth Imre – president of MAFOSZ (Association of Hungarian Photoclubs) / Magyar Fotográfia Napja 2018 – BiatorbágyHungarian Photography Days 2018 – Biatorbagy / Hungary

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For my achievement in the field of art-photography in August 2018 Mr. János Áder the President of Hungary donated the Hungarian Gold Cross Order of Merit

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Flesch Károly Kulturális Központ Mosonmagyaróvár

Flesch Károly Cultural Center Mosonmagyaróvár / Hungary

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Kisalföld Napilap 2018.01.30

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Kisalföld Napilap 2017.08.31

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Yelena – absolute unique record result in the history of the Hungarian photography of all time / 2016 –

live interview on – M1 – the main TV channel in Hungary

 — 2016 —

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XXXVI. Hungarian Press Photo Contest 2017

unique result in the history of the Hungarian Press Photo Contest – has won all three awards in one category (Daily life)

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FIAP Exhibition Center Novi Sad / Serbia – 27th October 2017

– personal exhibition –

from right to left:

Djordje Vukicevic Hon.EFIAP, president of FIAP Exhibition Center Novi Sad, Herbert Gmeiner Treasurer of FIAP, Hon.EFIAP, Kerekes Istvan EFIAP/d3, Lennert Géza EFIAP in Novi Sad / Serbia – 27th October 2017

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with Horváth Imre – President of MAFOSZ – Hungarian Photography Day / Szolnok – 26th August 2017

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personal exhibition in Mytilene / Lesvos Island – 15th June 2016 / Greece

personal exhibition in Mytilene / Lesvos Island – 15th June 2016 / Greece

workshop & presentation in Mytilene / Lesvos Island – 15-20 June 2016 / Greece

with Stratis Tsoulellis – president of Photographic Society of Mytilene / Lesvos Island – 15th June 2016 / Greece

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with Prof. Dr. Beyhan Özdemir – president of Turkish Photographic Federation – Izmir International Photography Days – Izmir / Turkey 21-26 October 2015

Izmir International Photography Days – Izmir / Turkey 21-26 October 2015

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with Yiannis Karousos (mayor of Ayia Napa), Harry K. Georgiou (general manager of the Adams Beach Hotel) and Nicos Karanikis Hon.EFIAP (Director of FIAP Media Relations Service) – Adams Beach *****Hotel / Ayia Napa / Cyprus /10 July 2015

with Christos Kitazos (the owner and managing director of the Adams Beach Hotel-Ayia Napa) and Yiannis Karousos (mayor of Ayia Napa)

Adams Beach *****Hotel / Ayia Napa / Cyprus /10 July 2015

Christos Kitazos (the owner and managing director of the Adams Beach Hotel-Ayia Napa) and Yiannis Karousos (mayor of Ayia Napa)

presentation and exhibition in Adams Beach *****Hotel / Ayia Napa / Cyprus / July 2015

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Yelena in Siena – Italy / 3,4m x 2,7m

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24th April 2015 / presentation in IFOD Galery / Alsancak – Izmir / Turkey

24th April 2015 / presentation in IFOD Galery / Alsancak – Izmir / Turkey

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Izmir International Photography Days – Izmir / Turkey 23-28 October 2013

26th October 2013 – presentation in Banci Kültür Sarayi – Izmir / Turkey

with Prof. Dr. Beyhan Özdemir – president of Turkish Photographic Federation – Izmir International Photography Days – Izmir / Turkey 23-28 October 2013

Izmir International Photography Days – Izmir / Turkey 23-28 October 2013

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Bruxelles / Belgium – Quartier Européen 20th June 2012

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2018 szeptember

2014 október

Deság 2000 október

Deság 2000 szeptember

Torda 2019 augusztus

Deság 1999